When Heaven Dies and Comes to Me
Directed, shot and edited by Ian Roy
Big Sails
Directed by Stacy Lee and shot by Stacy and Martin Reisch
Too Kind
Directed by AJ Korkidakis
Harmonize the Moon
Shot by Isaac Vallentin
Where Are You Now?
Directed by Ian Roy
Love is All Around
Animated by Jon Claytor
Nobody Knows
Edited by Ian Roy and shot by MF and Kyle Cunjak
Directed by Mylene Simard
Clackity Clack
Directed by Ian Roy
Directed by Scott Da Ros & AJ Korkidakis
Shot by Clark Ferguson and Tod Van Dyk
The Same Sky
Shot at home by Clark Ferguson and Tod Van Dyk
Snailhouse – I Never Woke Up
Directed by Jared Raab and Lindsay MacKay
Snailhouse – God Created Monsters
An old Snailhouse favourite, played solo at a house show in Victoria, BC Canada.
Snailhouse – Fire Alarm
Snailhouse solo performance from the Victoria BC house show.