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  • New single now, new album on the way!

    New single now, new album on the way!

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been sitting on some new music for a short while, and I’m very pleased to announce that ‘Harmonize the Moon’ is coming in March through my friend and yours Forward Music Group. In fact, there is even a new song available now.

    This is a collection of songs I wrote over the last few years. Once the world turned upside down, I was able to make time to document them and bring them to life. I’m immensely proud of this intimate and odd album, and I hope you will fall in love with it.

    The collection was made at home in a solitary fashion, mastered by Philip Shaw Bova, and features an incredible collage and layout by the one and only Paul Henderson.

    Listen to I Used to Be a Singer here

    Pre-order Harmonize the Moon here

    Until touring and gathering can happen again, I’ll focus my energy on ways I can deliver some live performances of this new music to you all.

    Much love,
